8TH ANNUAL HOLIDAY BAZAAR American Legion Auxiliary #241 7605 Bluffton Rd. Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Tables $15 Electricity $5 Vendors Reservations: 260-431-7183 or 260-432-6369 e-mail: dkfrance2002@yahoo.com Proceeds: Veterans & Family Local Charities Public Welcome!
FISH FRY @ FORT WAYNE SPORT CLUB Friday Sept. 22 4:30-7:30 Cost is $13 for adults, $7 for children ages 6-10. 6 and under eat free. Dinner includes a large portion of fish, baked or scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, applesauce, roll and butter, a choice of homemade desserts, and coffee. Cash Bar is available. Orthodontic Dental Case Box

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES AKC Registered Litter. German Shepherds. 5 males, 5 females. Current on Vaccinations. Born July 13th, 2023 Call/text 260-418-4479 for pricing, pictures & information.
WINDOW & GUTTER CLEANING For professional cleaning. Call today and ask for William. 260-278-1744
FISH FRY/ TENDERLOIN MEAL Aldersgate Methodist Church Drive-Thru fundraiser. Saturday September 23, 4:00-7:00 pm, $13 meal 423-1524 2417 Getz Rd., Ft. Wayne
50TH YEAR CLASS REUNION Elmhurst Class of 1973, 10/14/23, Pine Valley Country Club, Fort Wayne Contact EHSReunion73@gmail.com for details and payment information.
FALL CLEANUP Lawn mowing pressure washing snow removal leaf removal junk removal 260-418-6653
MASONRY Brick Repair, Foundation Tuck, Pointing, Chimneys. No job too small! Licensed & Insured 260-432-3445
HIRING DENTAL ASSISTANT Hott Family Dentistry is seeking a qualified expanded functions dental assistant. Experience preferred. Forward resume to blufftondentaldds@gmail.com or P.O. Box 432 Bluffton, IN. 46714.
DAN’S FISH AND TENDERLOIN Wednesday, September 27 4:30-7pm Drive-thru only all dinners $12 Ossian United Methodist Church West Mill Street 260-622-4514
LAKE SHORES WINTERSET & LAKEWOOD PARK Assoc. Garage Sale Sept. 22 & Sept. 23 9am-4pm Off Lower Huntington and Bluffton Road
RN TOENAIL TRIMMING Save yourself or your family from the worries and risks of trimming your toenails. – Thick or overgrown nails often require the use of specialized instruments. Call 705-2921 for an appointment.
Ken Sorg, RN Sorg Senior Foot Care LLC 5800 Fairfield Avenue Suite 117, Fort Wayne
HIRING LAB TECHNICIAN Hott Family Dentistry is seeking a qualified lab technician. Experience preferred. Forward resume to blufftondentaldds@gmail.com or P.O. Box 432 Bluffton, IN. 46714.
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